

新闻@雪 新闻@雪

Institutional Update

Office of the President

President McIff 

我们到了! 回顾过去的一个月,我充满了感激和兴奋, and quite a bit of relief! I am grateful for the search committee and all of their 在工作中,我感谢我们的州董事会成员和他们的信任,我特别感谢 grateful for all of you.

我相信让雪学院与众不同的是雪学院的人 I am excited about our future. We can be proud of so much good work that is happening across campus, and together we will continue the momentum. This search process has 让我反思我的大学经历和我一直以来的导师 我的生活. 我很感激他们,我知道你们也在为我们的 学生. 因为有了你们,我们的学生将永远怀念在这里的时光 and will have a lifelong connection. These feelings of fondness and connectedness 是我如此热爱毕业典礼的原因之一——我们可以庆祝学生们的 successes and support them as they embark on their next steps.

After commencement, we want to celebrate you! You are invited to an employee appreciation 午餐在5月8日(以法莲)或5月9日(里奇菲尔德),在那里唯一的目的是感谢 you and provide an opportunity to socialize with each other. The Snow Fit Committee 组织轮滑和其他运动,还是希望我们都能 gather and enjoy each other’s company. Later in the week, the 工作PEOPLE员 Association and 教务处有其他活动计划,我知道你会觉得很棒 value in the programming. This is one step in our plan to support employee engagement, leadership, and professional development. We want you to enjoy what you do, feel 受到重视,并接受了在你的职位上取得成功所需的培训. 请加入 us!

我完全有信心,网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行在学生和学生方面能够达到更高的水平 employee success, access, opportunity, and engagement. We can serve our community partners in ways never seen before. The 雪的大学 name and unique value proposition 会得到提升和战略上的提升,让更多的学生加入獾的大家庭. 我希望你们能和我一起继承前人的优良传统 在我们面前. 每份通讯中都有一项调查,征求你的意见,我对此表示欢迎 your feedback in the 意见箱. 我相信不断改进,我致力于每一个人的成功 student and employee at 雪的大学. We are truly better together and our strength 是我们的团结. I look forward to seeing you at commencement!


Technical Education and Industry Connections

Technical Education and Industry Connections

美国教育部指定二月为职业技术教育日 为公众宣传活动,以庆祝和关注CTE的成就 across the country. 为CTE月雪学院毕业典礼画上句号的是拉什·凯恩 of Kane Industries. Rush was raised in Delta, learned welding at Delta Tech, and 是电视真人秀《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》里的焊接专家吗. 他是首席执行官 of Kane Industries which distributes welding gear and accessories. Rush’s entrepreneurial story is inspiring for any Tech Ed student.

拉什甘蔗's welding helmet

斯诺的建设管理项目也产生了影响. This year CM faculty 伊万·斯塔,大卫·巴克和罗伯特·塔布曼在犹他州中部监狱 加入了一个名为“另一边村”的小型家庭项目,以帮助盐湖城的居民 homeless crisis. 以法莲大学和中国武汉大学建筑管理专业的学生将完成学业 两个400平方米. 这些小房子将被运送到“另一边村” end of the school year. CM faculty said “we are excited to be part of this project, 它为学生提供了在建筑施工的各个阶段的经验和贡献 以满足关键的社区需求,我们很高兴继续这种伙伴关系.”

Construction Management crew building a tiny home
Construction Management tiny home
Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs

致力于改进的组织提供职业发展机会 对他们的人,使个人,以及组织,都得到加强. 以下是我们的机构被专业人士加强的一个小例子 发展:

  • Jon Ostler学习了图书馆支持机构OER工作的方法 并随后与教师合作,为学生节省了数千美元.
  • 海蒂•约翰逊(Heidi Johnson)由于最近的领导机会,已经明白了这一点 更充分地说,她可以在教学之外的其他方面对学生的成功产生影响.
  • 布拉德·塔格特被介绍到一位著名雕塑家的技术,提高了他的 own sculpting work, which will directly impact his 学生.
  • 大卫·罗德里格斯(David Rodriguez)实施了在教师发展中提出的沟通策略 opportunity into an online course he was teaching; he was subsequently given a teaching award for that very course, which led to his hire at Snow.
  • 费尔南多·蒙塔诺参加了一个关注归属感的会议,归属感得到了加强 他自己的知识,所以他可以更有效地帮助学生成功.
  • 林赛·钱尼断言,每次参加会议都能帮助她欣赏和珍惜 working at Snow; she returns with tips to improve her own teaching, like strategies for equity minded assignment creation.
  • 艾米·诺布莱特(Amy Noblett)回来后对课程软件包的改进感到兴奋 work flow and reduce workload for faculty and staff.

Auxiliary Services

Delicious desserts made by Annette's Food Services team

We have had a great month in Auxiliary Services! The 校园商店 on both campuses continue to serve us with a collection of gear for all Badgers. The weekly special provides opportunities for employees to wear our school colors! Housing has moved 办公室搬到了GSC的二楼,并且已经为秋季学期填满了床位! 很快我们将拥有Richfield住房,他们很高兴为我们提供支持 our 学生 on the Richfield Campus. Food services has had a very good year and continue to provide more options for 学生, faculty and staff. They are gearing up for FSY 从五月的最后一个星期一开始,一直到第一个星期一 Saturday of August. 我们计划有超过12000名潜在的学生参观校园 今年夏天. Thanks to all for your support of Auxiliary Services.

We have a question…

We want to know!

您是否愿意定期收到有关正在进行的计划的更新(例如尼腓 Canyon construction, etc.)?



We welcome the following individuals to the 雪的大学 Team:

布莱恩·默尔顿 Student 咨询 Center Administrator
阿什利·詹森 Part-Time Administrative Assistant for Health Professions
Alesha山 Part-Time Custodian for Campus Housing
维基贝利 Part-Time Nursing Instructor
奥黛丽桑德斯 Part-Time Records Assistant
Randolf斯科特 Assistant Soccer Coach
杰弗里•刘易斯 Assistant Soccer Coach

在上个月的时事通讯中,我们把一位新员工的名字拼错了. 我们道歉 for the oversight. Our new Instructor and Program Specialist is Mandie Valenzuela. Welcome, Mandie!

Richfield Update

Nathan Beck dressed as a leprechaun for Spring Expo

春季博览会一开始只是为了展示雪学院的项目 idea quickly blossomed with support from other community partners; Sevier County, Richfield City, and the Richfield Area Chamber. Over 20 college programs from both campuses and 50 vendors participated in this year’s event. Hundreds of community members 享受现场音乐,美味的食物,和动手活动为所有年龄的星期五三月 17th in the Sevier Valley Center.

“这次活动的目的是让社区更加团结,”布兰登说 Hawkins, Director of Student Services and Success said. “We wanted to make this a really big whole community event. Something that was really fun along with showcasing 雪的大学. 它是一块宝石. If people don’t know about it, we want them to know about it.”

向整个策划委员会、志愿者和两个校区的与会者致敬 that made this event a success. Thank you and stay tuned for next year. 你不会 want to miss it!



雪的大学 has more than 700 campus jobs for 学生
87% retention rate for 学生 with on-campus jobs