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Position Announcement


犹他州高等教育委员会邀请提名和申请该职位 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行是犹他高等教育系统16所院校之一 Education.

雪学院成立于1888年,位于风景秀丽的犹他州中部,是一所授予学位的大学 institution and technical college for the region. It serves over 5,000 students from throughout Utah, 36 states, and 42 countries. Snow College has campuses in Ephraim 里奇菲尔德和尼腓的一个学习中心,在140多英亩的土地上有33座建筑. 雪学院是教育、艺术、文化、音乐和体育中心 of the region, and is a key driver of economic development. It has been named a “Best 价值学院”,是犹他州学生的首选,因为它结合了 high academic quality and low cost. Snow College is unique in the region as its state-directed 我们的使命是成为一个学位授予和技术教育机构.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行追求知识的精神的鼓舞下,许多毕业生 继续在全国各地的大学获得额外的学位,而其他人 graduate fully prepared for employment in a wide variety of fields. Students earn 副学士学位侧重于通识教育和许多研究领域,以及 bachelor’s degrees in software engineering and music. Snow College also offers numerous career and technical education certificates and awards. Students enjoy small classes 以及一个高度个性化的学习环境,拥有世界一流的多元化教师.

校长由犹他州高等教育委员会任命,并由其乐意服务 教育——在大学董事会的监督下——负责 the overall administration of the college. The president, as executive officer, owes 首先对高等教育系统负责,然后对学院负责, which is part of the System.

理想的候选人应该表现出对网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行及其使命的理解 and be willing to commit to Snow College long-term. The ideal candidate should also 有领导能力和高等教育经历,并有责任感 to, and understanding of, both academic and technical education. The ideal candidate 能否理解农村教育的实施和当地社区的需求 for access to full academic opportunities. The ideal candidate must also have the 能够有效地与学生,老师,老师,老师沟通和建立关系。 员工、捐赠者、地方和州民选官员、工业和K-16教育 partners. The ideal candidate will also oversee the college’s participation in the K-16联盟,并将建立和加强CTE途径进入网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的学术 and technical programs. The ideal candidate will be expected to prioritize student 成功,同时与教职员工共同治理,以促进学院的发展 mission. 理想的候选人将表现出对公平、多元化和诚信的承诺 inclusion for all of Snow College’s students, staff, and faculty. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated fundraising experience. The ideal candidate will also commit 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的两个校区和尼腓学习中心建立了自己的存在 and strengthening/strategically growing all three physical locations.

A master’s degree is required, and a terminal degree is preferred. Interested parties 我们鼓励提交一份当前的简历和一封详细的信,说明候选人的工作经历 经验符合职位要求并能清晰表达候选人的愿景 for the institution and its mission moving forward. Applications should be submitted by March 10, 2023. Please direct confidential inquiries, nominations, and application materials to:

For more information about Snow College, visit To learn more about the Utah System of Higher Education, visit

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行是一个机会均等/平权行动的雇主和教育家. The 学院强烈鼓励来自弱势群体、女性、退伍军人、 and those with disabilities to apply.

Opportunities and Expectations

首先也是最重要的是,总统将很高兴做出长期承诺, and develop a long-term vision for, Snow College. The president of Snow College should 还要特别强调以下短期和长期倡议 strategic priorities:

Vision and strategic planning

校长将制定网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的长期愿景和战略 该计划包括所有网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行校园和与网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行一致的目标 使命,以其优势为基础,并满足战略优先事项(系统领导, 高等教育委员会(Board of Higher)的准入、可负担性、完成度和劳动力一致性 Education. The president will guide faculty and staff across the college to develop milestones in support of the strategic plan.


网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行由代表性不足,转学,低收入,非传统, rural, international, and first-generation students. The president should understand 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行学生和潜在学生的独特需求和挑战 and will be actively engaged in student life. The president will find ways to support 每一个学生在他们的成功中,无论他们是对技术的教育 or academic degree track.


新总统将认识到学术教育和技术教育的重要性. 他们将努力满足转学生的需求,并为所有学生做好准备 通过学位,证书和短期劳动力进入成功的未来 via work based-learning opportunities.

Develop relationships with and seek support from strategic partners

总统将利用网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的声誉来倡导和寻求支持 for the college from strategic partners. The president will develop relationships 与高等教育委员会,立法机关,校友和捐助者的信任 seek support for Snow College’s needs, including funding.

Effective and transparent communication

The president will develop a culture of feedback. The president will communicate transparently and effectively with the faculty, staff, students, and all stakeholders.

Build partnerships

预计总统将维持和促进伙伴关系,包括与当地 city and county leaders, as well as K-16. This person will prioritize building relationships 与行业合作伙伴合作,确保网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的项目继续发展 to meet workforce demands.

Develop pathways

总统将与K-16合作伙伴共同开发学生进入Snow的途径 学院的学历和技术教育课程将与学位一起授予 全州的合作伙伴扩大转学机会,包括奖学金 students. 总统将与行业伙伴合作,建立进入 the workforce.

Maintain affordability while ensuring quality

总统将以创新和适应的方式处理斯诺案 学院的传统是提供高质量且价格合理的学术指导 and technical education.

Oversee growth

总统将监督学术和技术教育的发展和扩大 课程和证书,以满足行业需求和学生的愿望,包括 at Snow College’s Richfield campus and the Nephi Learning Center.